past event
Finance and Assets

Making it Last: Workable Solutions for Lifelong Retirement Policy

In 2010, the United States began a broad discussion about the future direction of the U.S. retirement system. As millions of Americans approach retirement with their retirement savings primarily held in self directed accounts, individuals will increasingly face the challenge of managing their savings to last throughout retirement. This changing retirement savings landscape – where millions of Americans, in possession of billions of dollars in retirement savings, look for product solutions to protect against outliving their savings – is both a challenge and an opportunity for policymakers, the financial services industry, and American retirees.

Making it Last will highlight those areas of opportunity, discussing the progress going forward at the Department of Labor and Treasury Department, the innovations in the private longevity market, and the issues that still must be addressed to ensure a robust, consumer friendly marketplace.

Event information
Tue Jan 25, 2011
12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Capitol Hill
Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 562
Washington, DC