past event
Defense Policy

Aspen Veterans Initiative Launch: “A Call to Action”

The Aspen Institute proudly announces the launch of its Aspen Veterans Initiative, in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs, DoD, HHS, Blue Shield of California Foundation, IAVA, Give an Hour and The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry to foster discussion among clinicians, organizations and policy makers on meeting the challenges related to the mental health needs of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Over the next 5 years, the program will produce educational materials for frontline providers in the civilian population, develop a track at the Health Forum dedicated to veterans and build a coalition committed to provoking discussions about challenges and solutions related to the well-being of returning veterans.

Lunch will be served.

Remarks by:
Peter Long, PhD, President & Chief Executive Officer, Blue Shield of California Foundation


– Koby Langley, JD, Senior Advisor, Veterans, Wounded Warriors and Military Family Initiatives, Corporation for National and Community Service
– Paul Rieckhoff, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)
– Casey T. Taft, PhD, Staff Psychologist, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, National Center for PTSD, VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston University School of Medicine
– Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD, Founder and President, Give an Hour

James Dao, Reporter and Co-editor of the At War Blog New York Times

The Aspen Institute launches the Aspen Veterans Initiative, which will focus on creative solutions to the unmet mental health needs of returning veterans.


Event information
Mon Mar 18, 2013
12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Washington, DC, United States