past event

Diversity in the Arts: Challenges and Opportunities

A conversation with Aaron Dworkin (Founder/President, Sphinx Organization) on diversity in the arts.

The issue of diversity has been part of the arts conversation for decades, but what do diversity initiatives look like today? What can arts organizations do differently? How can music not only be relevant to but also serve diverse communities, and can creative programming help sustain the classical arts for generations to come? Sphinx Organization Founder and Director Aaron Dworkin joins Arts Program Director Damian Woetzel to further a conversation that has been increasingly part of the creative, social, and philanthropic agenda, and to discuss policies that can ensure progress in this area. This conversation is part of the 2013 Washington Ideas Roundtable Series, and is a continuation of dialogues begun at the Sphinx Organization’s inaugural meeting on diversity on the performing arts, “SphinxCon,” convened last month in Detroit, MI.

The Washington Ideas Roundtable Series is made possible with the generous support of Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation.

Event information
Tue Mar 19, 2013
12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Washington, DC, United States