past event
Around the Institute

Forum on Journalism, Race and Society

The purpose of this forum is to step back from daily pressures and focus the most innovative minds in journalism on the profession’s role in changing the current odds for children and communities of color. Does journalism still have the power to call Americans to conscience and action around matters of race?

By invitation only.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s recently released Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children reports that while they will be the majority by 2018, children of color are far more likely to face conditions that will significantly limit their opportunities in life. Many, from ordinary citizens to top decision makers, are aware of these dynamics, yet positive change has come at too slow a pace. Why is this? How can the news media engage more Americans in these important issues at the heart of our nation’s future?

The forum will examine these and other questions about journalism’s legacy and leadership in this period of rapid demographic change and unprecedented wealth inequality. Via compelling formats and a carefully considered group of presenters and participants, it will be a venue for frank exchange and generation of insights and ideas.

The purpose of this forum is to step back from daily pressures and focus the most innovative minds in journalism on the profession’s role in changing the current odds for children and communities of color.

Event information
Sun Dec 7, 2014 - Tue Dec 9, 2014
3:00pm - 12:30pm EDT
Wye, MD , United States