Straight from the Tropics, with Love
We give the creative advocates at Radi-Aid a standing ovation for making us aware that Norway is pretty damn cold. As the song goes, it’s time for us to care, folks. Radi-Aid is spearheading a campaign to collect radiators from Africans all around the continent to help those poor Norwegians do fierce battle with frostbite. So to all of you out there (we’re looking at you too, Latin Americans), please give. And what the heck, throw in some yoga mats for good measure.
Watch, then Ask
“Why Poverty?” is an international media initiative across television, radio, and the web that explores the roots and many manifestations of poverty and inequality globally. Log online and watch people talk about their lives, like Lourdes, who is trying to overcome heartbreak and her family’s rejection, and Wang, who dreams of a college education in China. The website attempts to motivate viewers to stay engaged through Twitter and to connect with organizations working on poverty alleviation. Some food for thought: what would tell you that this initiative is having an impact?
Learning Barefoot
The Barefoot Guide Connection website is many things at once: an online forum for social change activists to share information, seek advice and more; a newsletter with tidbits on upcoming skill-building workshops and conferences; and a reservoir of free resources to help leaders become better at what they do. We’re especially fond of their “Learning Practices in Organisations and Social Change” guide, which explores some big issues for evaluators like how to facilitate organizational learning and continuous growth. Humility is a good starting point.