How does one become a moderator?

Moderators are typically drawn from among past leadership seminar participants, and nominated by the relevant program head. Moderators are selected and trained based upon programs’ particular needs. 

How can my Aspen Institute program work with OCM on a seminar?

To put together a seminar, contact the Seminars team (seminars.info@aspeninstitute.org). Once your seminar is scheduled, Todd Breyfogle and Emily Jusino will work with your team on curriculum consultation and moderator sourcing. 

Can I suggest potential seminar readings? 

We are always interested in new readings and authors, but not every interesting reading makes for a good seminar discussion. New readings may be forwarded to the OCM team, or may be introduced during the process of curriculum review. 

Does OCM work with programs or individuals who aren’t affiliated with the Aspen Institute? 

Yes, but only if they have contracted with the Seminars department to produce a custom seminar. For more information about custom seminars, email seminars.info@aspeninstitute.org. OCM cannot work or consult with non-affiliated programs otherwise.