past event
K-12 Education

Hearing: Losing Patience with Chronically Low-Performing Schools

The first hearing in a new series explored the challenge of chronically low-performing schools and examined what can be done now to more effectively address the issue. The hearing was open to the public and held Wednesday, September 2nd at 10:00 AM at Howard University’s Blackburn Center Ballroom in Washington, DC.

To read a summary of our hearing, please click here.

To learn more about the Commission’s new phase of work, see Not a Moment to Lose and a Q&A. For background on school improvement, including funding and requirements under NCLB, go here.

Hearing Agenda

10:00 a.m. Welcome remarks by Dr. Alvin Thornton, Howard University Provost and Chief Academic Officer
10:05 a.m. Remarks by Dr. Leslie Fenwick, Dean of the Howard University School of Education
10:10 a.m. Remarks and introductions by Dr. Michael Lomax, President and CEO, UNCF
10:20 a.m. Witness testimony

Dr. Ronald Peiffer, Maryland Deputy State Superintendent, Baltimore, MD (testimony)
Mr. Garth Harries, Assistant Superintendent for Portfolio and Performance Management, New Haven, CT (testimony)
Mr. Michael Contompasis, Senior Field Consultant, Mass Insight School Turnaround Strategy Group, Boston, MA (testimony)
Ms. Phyllis Lockett, President and CEO, The Renaissance Schools Fund, Chicago, IL (testimony)
Ms. Natalie Elder, Principal, Hardy Elementary School, Chattanooga, TN (testimony)
Mr. Steve Barr, Founder and Chairman, Green Dot Public Schools, Los Angeles, CA (testimony)

11:00 a.m. Commissioner and witness dialogue
12:20 p.m. Public comment
12:40 p.m. Closing remarks by Dr. Lomax
12:45 p.m. Hearing adjourned

Commissioners Participating

School Improvement Committee

Dr. Michael Lomax, President and CEO, UNCF (United Negro College Fund) — presiding
Mr. Greg Richmond, President and CEO, National Association of Charter School Authorizers
Ms. Danika LaCroix, Principal, Young Scholars’ Academy for Discovery and Exploration, Brooklyn, NY
Dr. Edward Sontag, Chief Management Official, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mr. Paul Pastorek, State Superintendent of Education, Louisiana

Other Commissioners:

Hon. Judith Heumann, Director, Department of Disability Services, District of Columbia
Ms. Delia Pompa, Vice President for Education, National Council of La Raza
Ms. Tasia Providence, Master Educator, District of Columbia Public School
Dr. Jane Hannaway, Director, Education Policy Center, The Urban Institute, and Director, National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER)
Mr. Mike Johnston, Colorado State Senator and Senior Policy Advisor at New Leaders for New Schools


The first hearing in a new series explored the challenge of chronically low-performing schools and examined what can be done now to more effectively address the issue. The hearing was open to the public and held Wednesday, September 2nd at 10:00 AM at Howard University’s Blackburn Center Ballroom in Washington, DC.

Event information
Wed Sep 2, 2009
12:00am - 12:00am EST
Washington, DC, United States