past event
K-12 Education

Strategic Staffing for Successful Schools: An Aspen Institute Policy Forum on How School Districts Can Better Support Turnaround Efforts through Principal, Teacher Effectiveness

As the federal Race to the Top initiative and current Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization discussions focus on the importance of turning around low-performing schools, school districts throughout the nation are looking to better understand how they can support turnaround efforts, particularly in regard to teacher and principal effectiveness. Some school districts, including recently named Broad Prize finalist Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (NC), provide an initial blueprint on the different approaches and strategies school districts must take to demonstrate lasting improvement.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg experience will be the subject of an April 20 policy forum hosted by the Aspen Institute and its Education and Society Program.  The event will feature the release of Strategic Staffing for Successful Schools: Breaking the Cycle of Failure in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, a research study of CMS from Education Resource Strategies, Inc. (ERS).  Through the Strategic Staffing Initiative profiled in the ERS study, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is using principal and teacher effectiveness data to support school turnaround.  ERS serves as a partner with the CMS on its turnaround efforts.  

The forum will also include remarks from CMS Superintendent Pete Gorman on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg experience and a roundtable discussion featuring perspectives from efforts in other urban districts and the implications for policy featuring representatives from the U.S. Department of Education and Capitol Hill.

WHAT: Strategic Staffing for Successful Schools: An Aspen Institute Policy Forum on School Turnaround Efforts and the Importance of Effective Teachers, Principals

WHEN: Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Hart Senate Building SH-902

WHO: Panel will include

Pete Gorman, Superintendent, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Brad Jupp, Senior Program Advisor, U.S. Department of Education
Celia Sims, Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Sen. Richard Burr (NC)
Jonathan Travers, Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Ross Wiener, Aspen Institute

Event information
Tue Apr 20, 2010
10:00am - 11:30am EST
Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC, United States