past event
Urban Innovation

Global Forum on the Culture of Innovation

In partnership, the Urban Land Institute and the Aspen Institute present the Global Forum on the Culture of Innovation. This international convening will serve as a platform to share the latest thinking and explore successful innovation ecologies across a variety of scales – from building, to cluster, to district, to city. The goal of the Forum is to showcase the conditions and strategies conducive to building sustainable, idea-generating environments that drive 21st Century economic development.

Over two days of the Forum, an invitation-only group of over 200 policymakers, business and technology leaders, artists, scientists, and intellectuals from around the world will come together to share experiences. They will engage their peers and define actions to address the challenges and opportunities of creativity and innovation inherent in land use and socioeconomic development. This Forum will identify critical issues to further inform th e agenda of a World Summit on the Culture of Innovation to be organized in conjunction with the Urban Land Institute’s Global Spring Conference in 2013 and the 100th Anniversary of Balboa Park in 2015. The program will consist of Keynote addresses, plenary sessions, in-depth open discussions in small groups, workshops, artistic and cultural events, and the showcasing of creative and innovative experiences at the intersection of technology, culture, and business. More information.

In partnership, the Urban Land Institute and the Aspen Institute present the Global Forum on the Culture of Innovation. This international convening will serve as a platform to share the latest thinking and explore successful innovation ecologies across a variety of scales – from building, to cluster, to district, to city. The goal of the Forum is to showcase the conditions and strategies conducive to building sustainable, idea-generating environments that drive 21st Century economic development.

Event information
Wed Sep 5, 2012 - Thu Sep 6, 2012
9:00am - 10:00pm EST
San Diego, CA, United States