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PNB-NAPEO Venture Capital and Private Equity Delegation from the Maghreb to the US

The objective of this delegation is for Maghreb investors to gain a better understanding of effective models for private equity, venture capital and angel investment in the areas of IT, Renewable Energy, Turnaround / Buyout, Early Stage and Real Estate. In addition, it is an opportunity for delegates to learn about effective models for supporting and investing in start-ups and SMEs in these industries. Specifically during our California part of the trip, we will be focusing on Technology and Renewable Energy.


The North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity (PNB-NAPEO) is a public-private partnership of US and North Africa business leaders, entrepreneurs, civil society leaders, and governments with a mission to foster job creation, entrepreneurship, and education with a focus on youth. PNB-NAPEO has created a network of stakeholders which is locally-owned and locally-driven. Chapters have been established in Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia, and one is currently being formed in Libya.

The network created by PNB-NAPEO is a vehicle for stakeholders in the United States and North Africa to identify, initiate, and sustain projects at the Maghreb regional level to foster investment opportunities, entrepreneurship, and job creation with an emphasis on youth. Over the next five years PNB-NAPEO is committed to positively impacting 100,000 people.

Project Description

The program will focus on four areas of funds that might be replicable in the region. For New York, these themes, in order of importance, are: (1) Turn Around Funds; (2) Renewable Energy Funds; (3) Real Estate Funds; and (4) Growth Funds. Similarly, for San Francisco / Silicon Valley, themes will be: (1) Venture Capital Funding; (2) Organizations that leverage venture capital networks; (3) Specialized areas for venture capital, e.g., IT and Biotech; (4) Incubator Business Models (both university and private); and (5) Angel Investments.

Delegates will include individuals with a broad range of interest, expertise, and knowledge in private equity, venture capital, and angel investing to lay the groundwork for an effective, comprehensive regional network of investors.

Participants will meet with key individuals in the financial services industry, including successful venture capitalists, angel investors, and industry association representatives which connect and encourage dialogue among individuals engaged in these targeted professions.


Delegates from the Maghreb Region will be: 1) existing and emerging private equity and venture capital professionals and 2) potential angel investors. Delegates from each Maghreb country will be chosen in conjunction with PNB-NAPEO local chapters where one exists, the US Department of State Economic Bureau, and the PNB-NAPEO Secretariat. There will be a total of 20 – 25 delegates from the region participating.

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Delegation Concept Note

Event information
Sat Jan 12, 2013 - Sat Jan 19, 2013
12:00am - 12:00am EST
New York, NY and Silicon Valley / San Francisco, CA