Employment and Jobs

COVID-19 and Unemployment Insurance: A Discussion with Rebecca Dixon (Executive Director, National Employment Law Project)

March 26, 2020  • Economic Opportunities Program

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, our unemployment numbers are simply devastating. Millions of people are suddenly without an income and may be without health insurance in the midst of a pandemic. The human costs of this economic dislocation are profound. What can we do to help individuals who are unexpectedly out of work?

We turn to Rebecca Dixon, Executive Director of the National Employment Law Project and the newest member of our Advisory Council, to talk about unemployment insurance—how it works, who it helps, and how it might better meet the needs of the people who find themselves in need in our current crisis.

Part 1 features a one-on-one interview between Rebecca and Maureen Conway, Executive Director of the Economic Opportunities Program. Part 2 features a live Q&A session, in which participants had the opportunity to ask questions about unemployment insurance in this fast-changing situation.

Part 1

Part 2


Watch: @conway_maureen and @RebeccaDNELP talk #COVID19 and unemployment insurance.

In the midst of the #COVID19 crisis, our unemployment numbers are simply devastating. How can we help people who are suddenly out of work? @conway_maureen spoke with @RebeccaDNELP to find out.

Let’s talk about unemployment insurance—how it works, who it helps, and how it might help people in need during the #COVID19 crisis. @conway_maureen sits down with @RebeccaDNELP for her insights.

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The Economic Opportunities Program advances strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income people thrive in a changing economy. Follow us on social media and join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on publications, blog posts, events, and other announcements.

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