Business and Markets

Leading in a Time of Crisis: Global Warning

April 7, 2020  • Aspen Global Leadership Network

For many global companies, the spread of COVID-19 has meant growing disruptions to global supply chains and major hits to their operations without a clear end in sight. Business leaders in China have been at the forefront of the response, and they face tough decisions that put their values and resolves to the test.

Watch our webinar of two leaders in the Aspen Global Leadership Network, Jane Sun, CEO of, and Shane Tedjarati, President of Global High Growth Regions at Honeywell, as they shared how they are leading through this crisis and what we might learn from their experiences.

We ask them: What trade-offs do you make when trying to do what’s right for your consumers, employees, and communities? As markets falter and the impact grows, how do you stay focused? Can we find a silver lining in the gloom?


  • Jane Sun, CEO of, China Fellowship, Class III
  • Shane Tedjarti, President of Global High Growth Regions, Honeywell, 2006 Henry Crown Fellow
  • Moderated by Chadia El Meouchi Naoum, Managing Partner, Badri and Salim El Meouchi Law Firm, 2008 Henry Crown Fellow

Jane Sun is the CEO of Group, the largest travel agency in Asia, employing more than 45,000 people with an annual revenue of $5 billion. company has seen millions of cancellations due to the unexpected outbreak and is enduring further hits as the virus goes global. Jane will share her experience leading through this crisis, making her customers and employees her number one priority.

Shane Tedjarti is the President of Global High Growth Regions, Honeywell – a global technology company with more than 130,000 employees, $40 billion in sales, and operations in 100 countries. With end markets as broad as aerospace, oil and gas, logistics, smart buildings, and personal protection and safety, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis is deep, but certainly not uniform. As an essential business manufacturing equipment to combat the spread of the virus, Shane will share with us the ongoing experience dealing with the demand and disruptions caused by the virus.