UpSkill America is an employer-led movement to expand opportunity for America’s workers and allow our economy and communities to thrive. As part of our mission to advance the upskilling movement, we are pleased to share the following resource, Building a Digitally Resilient Workforce: Creating On-Ramps to Opportunity, developed by the Digital US coalition, of which UpSkill America is a proud member. According to the Executive Summary,
To unlock opportunity for all Americans and create an equitable recovery, we must support digital skills development for the 32 million Americans who cannot use a computer, and half of all Americans who are not comfortable learning online. Our inaugural report highlights the urgency—and imperative—of this work, and identifies opportunities to fill some of the most pressing gaps in access to technology and training and supports for digital upskilling. Together, we can help individuals build the digital resilience needed to thrive not only in today’s world of work—but also tomorrow’s.
Despite the focus on big disruptions like automation and AI, most jobs in the future will simply change, not disappear. We must invest in upskilling workers and preparing them for the opportunities that lie ahead. We are proud to join Digital US in this call-to-action and make digital resilience a national priority. Click here to read more.
Tweet Report: “Building a Digitally Resilient Workforce: Creating On-Ramps to Opportunity” by @JoinDigitalUS. Let’s make #digitalresiliance a national priority.
Tweet We must create an ecosystem where workers have the foundational digital skills to thrive in work and life. We are proud to partner with @JoinDigitalUS and make #digitalresilience a national priority.
Tweet Despite the focus on disruptions like automation/AI, most jobs in the future will simply change, not disappear. We must invest in #upskilling workers and prepare them for the opportunities that lie ahead.
Tweet Technology should empower workers to learn and advance with confidence. A report by @JoinDigitalUS makes the case for #digitalresilience as a national priority.
Join the upskilling movement
UpSkill America is an employer-led movement that promotes training and advancement practices to help workers progress in their careers and move into better-paying jobs. UpSkill America is an initiative of the Economic Opportunities Program.
The Economic Opportunities Program advances strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income people thrive in a changing economy. Follow us on social media and join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on publications, blog posts, events, and other announcements.