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Final Funding Call: Effective Use of the Last Round of TAACCCT Funds Part 2

Skills for America’s Future hosted a series of webinars on the Trade Adjustment Act Community College and Career Training grant program.

The Obama administration will award $450 million in TAACCCT grant funds to expand job-driven training partnerships between community colleges and employers. This round of funding is the final installment of a $2 billion, four-year initiative and includes special incentives for applicants focusing on career pathways, the use of integrated data systems to track student academic and career success, and business and industry partnerships.

This webinar focused on how community colleges and business and industry associations can partner together to provide industry-recognized credentials for students and job seekers. The session will feature representatives from leading business and industry associations including:

  • The Business Roundtable
  • National Institute for Metalworking Skills
  • American Welding Society
  • National Restaurant Association
  • Home Builders Institute
  • National Apartment Association


John Colborn – Skills for America’s Future
Rene Bryce-Laporte, Aspen Institute

Skills for America’s Future invites you to participate in a webinar on the Trade Adjustment Act Community College and Career Training grant program.

Register Now

Event information
Tue May 20, 2014
2:00pm - 3:00pm EST