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Conflicted Genius: A New Perspective on Einstein’s Science

Free and Open to the Public
Aspen Center for Physics – Heinz Pagels Public Lectures
Conflicted Genius:  A New Perspective on Einstein’s Science
A. Douglas Stone – Carl A. Morse Professor of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University
With an introduction by Elliot Gerson, Executive Vice President of Policy and Public Programs at the Aspen Institute.

“With his lucid and engaging style, Doug Stone has captured one of the most interesting tales in the history of science. Despite Einstein’s later discomfort with quantum theory, Stone shows how absolutely instrumental Einstein was in its development. It’s a wonderful story that reveals the essence of Einstein’s genius and creativity, and Stone is exactly the right person to tell it. I can hear Einstein chuckling in anticipation.”–Walter Isaacson, author ofEinstein: His Life and UniverseandSteve Jobs


Professor Stone will explore some of the revolutionary ideas in quantum physics that Albert Einstein first elucidated, and then ask the question: why did the creator reject his own masterpiece? Doug Stone is author of Einstein and the Quantum: The Quest of the Valiant Swabian; books will be available for purchase and signing after the lecture. 

Event information
Thu Aug 7, 2014
6:30pm - 6:30pm EST
Paepcke Auditorium
1000 N 3rd Street
Aspen, CO 81611, United States