Who Will Solve the Ebola Crisis?
Please join the Aspen Institute for the launch of the new book “African Health Leaders” and a conversation about leadership in the current Ebola crisis.
Just confirmed: Dr. Lynn Black of Last Mile Health who is on her way back from the front lines of the Ebola crisis in Liberia.
- Dr. Francis Omaswa, executive director, African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation (ACHEST)
- Margaret Mungherera, president, World Medical Association
Lynn Black, MD, MPH – associate physician, Massachusetts General Hospital/Instructor at Harvard Medical School
Moderated by:
- Peggy Clark, executive director of Aspen Global Health and Development and vice president of policy programs
This event is presented by the Aspen Institute Global Health and Development Program and the Aspen Institute Health, Medicine and Society Program.
A discussion about leadership amidst the current Ebola crisis
Event information
Mon Oct 20, 2014
12:00pm - 1:30pm MST
Suite 700, Smith Room
1 Dupont Circle
Washington, DC, United States