past event
Around the Institute

Our Society Reimagined: The Economics of Democracy

Join us this fall for the continuation of a new program at the Aspen Institute!  Each day, as citizens and leaders, we are reminded that the economic realities of being an American are difficult and complex.  Is our way of life sustainable?  What can we do to make America work for more of its citizens?  The choices that our fellow citizens make end up affecting us all.  The tension between individual liberty, equality, efficiency and community is an age-old struggle.  Can we find our equilibrium as a society?  Can we find a balance? 

This four-week series is designed as a forum for community members to gain insight into specific issues facing our society today, and to provide an opportunity to discuss the underlying values and ideas that we hold as individuals and a society as a whole.

The series will begin with an exploration of the values that weave through our decision-making processes as citizens – from liberty and equality, to efficiency and community.  The dialogue will continue with an examination of how these values interplay with discussions on Income and Wealth Inequality; Dying Gracefully (and Economically); and Regulating What We Eat (Should We Tax the Bad Stuff?).   

Each Wednesday, participants will gather for a robust, in-depth conversation delving into each topic.  The format will include advance readings and lively round-table discussions moderated by Stephen Holley.  

Fee: $99, inculdes all sessions, readings and light refreshments. 

This program is generously underwritten by Jessica and John Fullerton. 

Our Society Reimagined is now full.

After a successful inaugural year, this four-week program will continue as a forum for community members to gain insight into specific issues facing our society today, and to provide an opportunity to discuss the underlying values and ideas that we hold as individuals and a society as a whole.

Event information
Wed Nov 18, 2015
6:30pm - 9:00pm GMT+0000
Lauder Room, Koch Building
Aspen, CO, United States