past event
Free Speech and Religion

Faith(ful) Resistance: Imagining a new Multi-faith Agenda for Racial Justice

Join the Inclusive America Project for our public kick-off of IAP’s newly-forming Religion and Racial Justice Commission, led by IAP Fellow, Public Scholar, & Faith Organizer, Billy Michael Honor.

People of faith have always been at the forefront of the fight for racial justice in America. Historians have long noted the role of faith-based organizing in the abolitionist and civil rights movements, but dialogue surrounding the struggle for racial justice often understates or leaves out the role of multi-faith organizing. This two-part conversation, and the work of the Religion and Racial Justice Commission, will highlight, explore, and build upon the unique ways in which multi-faith organizing can contribute to a truly just society that affirms and values the innate worth of all of our neighbors. 

Challenges, Practices, & Possibilities of Multi-Faith Racial Justice Organizing (2 – 2:45pm EST)

  • Rev. Traci Blackmon (United Church of Christ)
  • Dr. Simran Jeet Singh (Union Theological Seminary)
  • Rabbi Sharon Brous (IKAR)
  • Rev. Osagyefo Sekou (Valley and Mountain Church)
  • Billy Michael Honor (IAP Fellow for Racial Justice & Religion), Moderator

The Multi-Faith Movement to End Mass Incarceration (2:45 – 3:15pm EST)

  • Rabbi Lydia Medwin (The Temple)
  • Billy Michael Honor (IAP Fellow for Racial Justice & Religion), Moderator
Event information
Thu Jun 3, 2021
2:00pm - 3:15pm EST