past event
The Environment

Aspen Ideas: Climate Heat Roundtable

In the spirit of Aspen Ideas: Climate, this press conference will feature an opening panel which will explore how extreme heat, a climate impact felt deeply by Miami residents and by billions across the globe, is affecting communities both in the United States and beyond. This conversation will feature a variety of perspectives from local and federal, to climate health and justice perspectives, and crucially, will leverage the innovative and scalable solutions being deployed to mitigate and adapt to these increasingly extreme conditions.

Hosted by Dan Gelber, Mayor of Miami Beach and Dan Porterfield, President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, this event will feature an audience, press, as well as others to announce the March 2023 event and give a preview of some of the content to give audiences a genuine feel for the taste and caliber of conversations.

Event information
Thu Oct 20, 2022
10:30am - 12:00pm EDT
Miami Beach, FL