Employment and Jobs

Upcoming Events Newsletter — November 2024

November 1, 2024  • Economic Opportunities Program

The Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program (EOP) advances strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income people thrive in a changing economy.

We hope you’ll join us at one of our upcoming events, which you can learn about below. Everyone who registers will receive a link to the recording, so feel free to sign up even if you can’t participate live.

Workplace Democracy: Sharing Power and Decision Making at Work

Wednesday, November 20, 2:00-3:15 p.m. EDT, on Zoom

Although people often think about democracy solely in terms of elections, participatory principles and practices can also strengthen our workplaces. Workers are closest to the problems and solutions that are critical to an enterprise’s success, holding essential knowledge about safety, productivity, and culture. Yet employers often fail to listen or give their voice proper weight, missing opportunities to innovate and suffering lower rates of job satisfaction, productivity, and retention as a result. What can we learn about job quality and business performance from democratic mechanisms like shared ownership, board level co-determination, and labor-management partnerships?

Join us on Zoom on November 20, from 2:00 to 3:15 Eastern time, for the next event in our Opportunity in America Series, “Workplace Democracy: Sharing Power and Decision Making at Work.” Our panel of experts and practitioners will share insights on how different democratic structures and strategies can create better workplaces and businesses, sharing their own experiences and extrapolating learnings that may apply to others looking to build more vibrant, participatory work environments.

Stay Tuned

In addition to the conversations listed above, we have a number of exciting events in the works. Join our mailing list or connect on social media to be notified when registration is open.

External Events and Speaking Engagements

EOP staff are frequently called upon to lend their expertise to a variety of critical conversations and settings. We hope to see you at one of the many insightful discussions we’ll be participating in soon. To invite one of our experts to speak at an event, please send us an email at eop.program@aspeninstitute.org.