The Aspen Institute Presents series premiere opens with Anne-Marie Slaughter sitting down with Katie Couric. The two women, both hugely successful within their fields, discuss Slaughter’s extremely popular, and wildly controversial, essay in The Atlantic, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All.”
Tonight’s episode also includes psychologist and author Larry Cohen talking about the goal of parenting. Read Cohen’s guest blog post about his experience at Aspen Ideas. And psychologist and author Lori Gottleib shares the key to happiness…It’s really quite simple!
Slaughter’s session was part of the Festival track Raising the 21st Century Child. In this track, we asked: Is this the best generation of parents in history—or the worst? We focused on many of the social and economic questions we face with regard to raising kids in America including the cult of self-esteem, what factors effect a child’s character, what’s wrong with our boys, and more.
Watch the full episode of The Aspen Institute Presents on WORLD Channel.
Following is a comprehensive list of all of the sessions that make up Raising the 21st Century Child. Watch or listen to them here on the Aspen Ideas Festival site.
Can Women Have it all?
What is the Goal of Parenting?
How to Land Your Kid in Therapy: Over-parenting and Its Perils
Tiger Mother Tells All
Raising Boys, Engaging Guys, and Educating Men
Talking back to Facebook
Screen Time: Technology and Our Kids
How We Hope: Lessons from the Gallup Poll
The Lost Generation
How Economics Helps Us Understand and Improve Modern Family Life
Check out upcoming episodes.
Want to download and watch or listen to these sessions later? Visit our collection on iTunes U. Each week, we will make all of the talks from the track covered in The Aspen Institute Presents episode available as a Collection in iTunes. While you’re in iTunes, check out our weekly podcast Aspen Minute. It’s a quick listen that spans all topics at the Festival.