Employment and Jobs

Growing businesses and improving job quality in Maine

January 18, 2018  • Betsy Biemann

Betsy Biemann, a member of the Aspen Institute Job Quality Fellowship, explains how Coastal Enterprises Inc. grows businesses and supports job quality in Maine. The Job Quality Fellowship, led by the Economic Opportunities Program, brings together innovators from differing lines of work who are engaged in work that expands the availability of better quality jobs in our economy. Learn more at as.pn/jobquality.

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Employment and Jobs
An Interview with Job Quality Fellow Betsy Biemann
January 18, 2018 • Betsy Biemann & 1 more


#AspenJobQuality Fellow Betsy Biemann talks about growing businesses and improving job quality in Maine. @CEIMaine 

What are some ways we can improve job quality in Maine? “Sometimes the solution isn’t only to finance individual companies. Sometimes there are policy issues.” #AspenJobQuality Fellow Betsy Biemann shares her thoughts. @CEIMaine