Evaluating the Millenium Villages
Lawrence MacDonald of the Center for Global Development (CGD) writes: “In development, it’s good to try new, innovative ideas– but even better to know whether or not they work. Michael Clemens, senior fellow at CGD, and Gabriel Demombynes, a senior economist at the World Bank, wrote a new paper in which they argue that one very high profile development program, the Millennium Villages Project, isn’t being evaluated in a way that would provide clear evidence of its impacts. They propose a better way to evaluate the project.” Hear MacDonald’s wonkcast.
Unstill Waters: The Fluid Role of Networks in Social Movements
Successful social change movements depend on “movement networks” that are critical but hard to quantify. Most often they are durable, fluid, multi-organizational, and focused on the long term. This articles explores characteristics common to many such networks as well as concrete ways they influence and shape social change movements. It combines scholarly research and interviews with leaders committed to building movement networks. You’ll have to register yourself in order to access the free article on Grantcraft.
Are billions of dollars of U.S. aid going to waste?
Is it possible that foreign assistance is actually working? Amongst the masses of U.S. foreign policy critiques, new World Bank research shows that assistance indeed has made a difference in swaying public opinion in Pakistan — overwhelmingly so, in fact. On the other hand, the survey also shows that the manner in which assistance is delivered matters greatly.