
CSI Mathematics

January 20, 2011  • Education Innovation Forum and Expo

Cohesive, Standards-based Instruction (CSI) in Mathematics will scale up and bolster an existing model program. For the past six years, the project partner organizations have been engaged in the development and evaluation of a model program for the implementation of standards based mathematics.

Initiated in Rapid City Area Schools through an NSF Math Partnership Grant the model has incorporated a process for installation of instruction materials; professional development addresses both math content and pedagogy; and the on-going coaching and mentoring of classroom teachers. While not as well established, the curriculum adoption process, district/community buy-in, and building leadership are emerging as essential elements in a comprehensive design.

As a result of the program, standards-based mathematics has become firmly embedded at the elementary level in all 15 Rapid City elementary schools. There is compelling evidence that implementation of all program elements has significant impact on teacher and principal effectiveness and, most importantly, student achievement. Replication of this innovative program began two years ago through a state Title II grant. While resources were not sufficient to establish all elements of the program at the level of the current model, professional development and classroom support have been established at the elementary level in the 11 rural partner LEAs. The CSI Mathematics program will bolster the current model implementation at the elementary level among all partner LEAs, as well as, scale up the model to the middle and high school level in Rapid City with full replication of the comprehensive model among rural LEA partners.

To learn more, contact Julie Mathiesen.