DCPS’ Data and Professional Development Platform will increase teacher effectiveness by aligning professional development with DCPS’ Teaching and Learning Framework and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making across the district.
The Platform is an online tool that integrates a full complement of resources, including teacher performance data drawn from IMPACT, DCPS’ ground-breaking teacher assessment system; individualized student performance data; and targeted professional development resources and opportunities. Once launched, the Platform will empower teachers to take ownership of their professional growth and foster a culture supportive of increasing effectiveness across the district.
The Platform will enable school-based instructional coaches, Master Educators, and principals to provide effective, aligned supports to teachers, and for teachers to access resources relevant to their own needs and those of their students based on real-time data.
Curricular and pedagogical resources for the Platform are currently in development, including a substantial video library of effective teaching across the district. Funded in part by Race to the Top funds, the Platform work is led by a cross-functional team within DCPS. Regular and meaningful teacher engagement continues to be critical to the development of the tool.