From a No. 2 Pencil to an iPad
We think The New York Times’ “Room for Debate” feature is pretty darn cool. This week, the topic is classroom technology and the Times has recruited an impressive list of commentators. Tech-happy Americans are prone to believe gadgets can be a substitute for deeper change. There’s no question tech can make some things easier; but it’s no panacea, especially for education reform.
A Week’s Worth of Advocacy Evaluation Tips!
We’ve written before about the American Evaluation Association’s AEA365, a blog offering some seriously pithy and useful advice on all things evaluation. Advocacy evaluators will take over the site all of next week and post info on tips, resources and experiences in the up-and-coming field of advocacy evaluation. Be one of the cool people: join AEA. Check out the blog. Post a comment.
Living in a World of Buzz
The article “Too much buzz” in a recent issue of The Economist sheds light on one important yet often overlooked fact: there can be too much of a good thing—in this case, online “buzz.” This piece wisely notes that the danger many organizations face is information overload. Our advice? When collecting online data for analysis, continuously think about what helps you answer your learning question…and what doesn’t.