Around the Institute

Imbalance and Inertia — Pamela Cantor, Stephen Carter at the Aspen Ideas Festival

June 29, 2016  • John Stokes, TrackMaven

Visitors to the Aspen Institute campus in Aspen, CO will find a pastoral setting suitable for rest and relaxation. This week, however, attendees have arrived for the 2016 Aspen Ideas Festival with a focus on learning from some of the world’s best and brightest. Today Aspen Ideas speakers engaged their audiences with ideas on everything from education reform to sustainable economic growth.

Catch up on some of the highlights of the day:

On Education Equality:

PAMELA CANTOR and TIM SHRIVER spoke on a panel about the importance of emotional skills and readiness as it relates to academic success.

During the session, JESSICA ROSENWORCEL asks how technological constraints manifest themselves in an education gap:

On Sustainable Business:

In a breakout session on creating sustainable growth, MARK TERCEK remarked that sustainability has reached a point where it is now “business as usual” for investors.

How can businesses demonstrate that they are practicing sustainable strategies? Erika Karp explains that the proof is in good governance:

It’s 2016, and sustainable growth and responsible investing have become table stakes — period.

On a Changing Supreme Court

During today’s marquee event, the Afternoon of Conversation, Yale Law professor STEPHEN CARTER cut to the chase with his thoughts on a divided Supreme Court:

Says NANCY GERTNER, “SCOTUS has changed fundamentally.” The lack of consensus on SCOTUS is emblematic of the climate of coalition politics in which we live.

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