past event
The Environment

Aspen Seminar in Chile: Huilo Huilo and Valdivian Coastal Reserve

This experiential seminar will introduce participants to the debates and changes surrounding conservation, and will include readings from the Energy and Environment Program’s Nature and Society Seminar.

Our goal is to offer a platform for global thinkers and leaders to explore conservation and human well-being in the context of Chile’s rich natural resources. Participants will share their ideas about how economic development and natural resource protection is interconnected, and discuss past successes and ongoing obstacles to conservation.

This seminar will be led by The Nature Conservancy’s Chief Scientist Peter Kareiva and Aspen Institute Energy & Environment Program Director David Monsma. 

Contact Nicole Buckley for more details.

Event information
Sun Jan 18, 2015 - Sun Jan 25, 2015
12:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve and Valdivian Coastal Reserve