past event
Health Care

Highlights of the Aspen Health Forum

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Speakers include: Panels include (watch videos):
The Hon. Tom Daschle, Former Senate Majority Leader Vaccine Wars: Doctors vs. Pathogens
Julie Gerberding, Former Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Strain on the System: Swine Flu and the Public Health Response
David Brennan, Chief Executive Officer, AstraZeneca The Payoff of Medical Research and Reform
Jeffrey Kluger, Senior Editor, TIME President Obama’s Prospects for Health Reform
David Snow, President and CEO, Medco Personalizing Each Patient: How Will the New Head-to-Head Comparisons Impact Patients?
Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
The Hon. Billy Tauzin, President and CEO, PhRMA
Mary Woolley, President and CEO, Research!America
Sir Richard Feachem, Director, Global Health Group, UCSF
Phyllis E. Greenberger, President and CEO, Society of Women’s Health Research
Gary Nabel, Director, Vaccine Research Center, NIH
Marc Boutin, Executive Vice President, National Health Council
Robert Honigberg, Former Chief Medical Officer, GE Healthcare
Peter Long, Executive Administrator, Kaiser Family Foundation
Linda A. Carnes, Senior Marketing and Communications Officer, CDC

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Event information
Wed Oct 14, 2009
12:00am - 12:00am EST
Washington, DC