Introducing the Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Field Landscape Analysis
Please join Grantmakers for Thriving Youth and the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development for a web seminar releasing a new Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Field Landscape Analysis prepared by the Boston Consulting Group. GTY and the National Commission partnered with BCG to produce a summary of existing field capacity to lead and sustain implementation of social, emotional, and academic development-related practices.
Lane McBride and Kate Rapisarda of the Boston Consulting Group will present a summary of the analysis, discuss key high-level takeaways, and share a relational map of the field. To access the landscape analysis materials, please see below:
- Executive Summary
- Full Landscape Analysis
- Relational Map of Field Actors
- Overview of the Taxonomy Project
- Presentation Deck from Webinar
- Link to Webinar Recording