Leadership and Negotiations Workshop in Mali
June 26, 2011 – July 3, 2011
After participating in two MLI peer-learning experiences, Senegal’s leadership training and Nepal’s negotiations health development leadership training last summer, leaders from Mali’s Ministry of Health organized their own training to combine both curricula into a seven-day workshop. This workshop equipped 18 officials from the ministries of health, social development, and promotion of women, children and family affairs with skills that will help the ministries manage cross-cutting and multi-sectoral initiatives.
Dr. Salif Samaké, Director of the Planning and Statistics Unit, attended the MLI sponsored Nepal negotiations workshop and was able to share what he had learned with his own colleagues in a facilitated session on negotiations. Similarly, Dr. Issa Berthe, focal point for the International Health Partnership Compact (IHP) and Public-Private Partnerships, attended Senegal’s leadership training also sponsored by MLI in July 2010 and was able to apply his knowledge to significantly contribute to the design of Mali’s own tailored training. Following the training, as part of Mali’s process of finalizing its new 10 year health development plan, leadership development has been included as an important priority.