past event
Finance and Assets

May 2018 EPIC Convening: Consumer Debt

This closed door, off-the-record EPIC convening on consumer debt brought together a cross-sector group of experts including financial services providers, nonprofit leaders, policy analysts, and consumer advocates for a series of discussions on the financial security challenges associated with consumer debt and opportunities to solve those problems.

The group identified and deliberated on a wide range of challenges, including cultural pressures to spend, macroeconomic risks, individual behavior, and problems that consumers face at different phases of the credit and debt life-cycle. The group also discussed and prioritized a range of potential solutions, identifying opportunities for financial institutions, nonprofit organizations, employers, governments, and other actors to advance these solutions. 

EPIC staff shared and received feedback on a draft solutions framework, which will facilitate revising and finalizing the framework in Fall 2018 and guide EPIC’s work throughout the Solutions Development and Acceleration phases of the process.

Convening Objectives:

1. Converge around a set of consumer debt problems to prioritize solving.

2. Converge around a series of solutions that provide actors and institutions in every sector with opportunities to engage.

3. Strategize about how engage a multi-sector group of leaders and innovators

To learn more about EPIC’s work on consumer debt, download our primer.

Event information
Mon May 14, 2018 - Tue May 15, 2018
11:30am - 3:30pm EDT
Aspen Wye River Conference Center
600 Aspen Drive
Queenstown, MD