Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series: Neuroscience + Mindful Awareness Training = Thriving Children
Featuring Goldie Hawn, Academy Award-winning actress, producer, author, child advocate and philanthropist. Ms. Hawn spoke about her ground-breaking MindUP™ program, the result of 10 years of collaboration with neuroscientists, educators, psychologists and experts in the field of mindful awareness training. The signature initiative of The Hawn Foundation, MindUP™ is a social and emotional literacy curriculum and training program which currently serves children and schools across five continents. Accredited by CASEL, MindUP™ equips children, educators and parents with vital social and emotional literacy skills, helping them increase focus, improve academic performance, reduce stress, and gain emotional resilience and optimism. Rooted in neuroscience, the program teaches self-regulatory behavioral control while offering engagement strategies for learning and living.