past event
Around the Institute

PNB Turkey Local Chapter Meeting

Partners for a New Beginning (PNB) is a network working in ten countries where local projects and priorities are identified by local chapters. PNB strategically matches them with US and international partners.

Ten locally-owned and locally-driven PNB Chapters have been launched, including a regionally focused partnership in North Africa.

The upcoming PNB Turkey Local Chapter meeting in Istanbul will be moderated by Toni G. Verstandig, Executive Director of the PNB Secretariat, and feature the following speakers:

  • Muhtar Kent, Chairman & CEO of the Coca-Cola Company, Vice Chair of PNB, and Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia 2012
  • Rifat Hisarciklioglu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Chair of the PNB Turkey Local Chapter

This event is by invitation only.

Event information
Wed Jun 6, 2012
10:30am - 12:30pm EST