SOF Fireside Chat and Reception: Reagan at Reykjavik: The Weekend that Ended the Cold War – Sold Out*
Featuring Ken Adelman, author of Reagan at Reykjavik, to be published May 2014. He is also Executive Producer of a feature film, Reykjavik, with Michael Douglas and Christoph Waltz. The Reykjavik summit between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev on October 11th and 12th 1986 was like nothing before or after, with its high drama and even higher stakes. Ken Adelman was a participant at the summit as Reagan’s arms control director. This insider’s account will feature photos of the inside workings of that weekend, which led to the ending of the Cold War. Remarks will begin at 6pm. Complimentary for Fellows and Aspen Community Friends and Subscribers. Donors may register for complimentary tickets here, or by contacting or (970) 544-7924.
*Unclaimed tickets may be available for purchase at the door. The waitlist will begin 30 minutes prior to event start time.
Koch Building, The Aspen Institute.