The Future of Aviation in a Carbon Constrained World
Presented by the Aspen Institute Energy and Environment Program, the ASE Vision Committee and Pitkin County
The Aspen Airport Vision Committee has identified carbon emission reduction as a community value and has challenged the community to work toward achieving this goal in the future. Please join us for an educational set of panel discussions focusing on the future of sustainable aircraft manufacturing, modernization of the aviation industry, and how these new technologies will affect policy decisions in the next 20-30 years.
Featured experts:
• Amory Lovins, Chief Scientist, Rocky Mountain Institute
• Pete Savagian, Senior VP, Engineering, Ampaire
• Kevin Welsh, Executive Director, Office of Environment and Energy, Federal Aviation Administration
Discussions will be moderated by Roger Ballentine, president, Green Strategies, Inc., former White House climate advisor.
Free and open to everyone
Doerr-Hosier Center, Aspen Meadows