past event
Family Finances

The Future of Work and Wealth: Lessons Learned & Moving Forward

About this event

The decline of the American middle class and the frayed social contract has become an increasingly urgent topic, as our nation’s economic and social divisions fuel widespread discontent. With incomes stagnating and jobs that pay a living wage in sharp decline, anger and resentment are palpable. For America’s working families, the experience of work and wealth is intertwined in the daily challenges of survival: keeping a roof over one’s head, getting food on the table, paying the bills, and saving for the future. Join us for a panel discussion and reception where we will grapple with one of the biggest challenges facing our nation: how to restore widespread economic prosperity to families and communities all across America.

During the event we:
● Heard from key leaders about the important work they are doing and how it is moving forward
● Heard about the challenges and opportunities that are ahead for leaders working in this space
● Released a report that highlights key themes from the 2017 Economic Security Summit

This event was jointly hosted by the Economic Opportunities Program and the Financial Security Program.


Alex Mazer, Founding Partner, Common Wealth  @ALEXMAZER



Alison Omens, Managing Director, JUST Capital @AlisonOmens



Andrea Levere, President, Prosperity Now @alevere



Sarah Keh, Vice President of Corporate Giving, Prudential Financial, Inc. @Prudential



Todd Greene, Executive Director, Atlanta University Center Consortium, Inc.@AUCConsortium



 Maureen Conway, Executive Director, The Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program @conway_maureen



Ida Rademacher, Executive Director, The Aspen Institute Financial Security Program  @idarademacher



 Rhett Buttle, Senior Fellow,The Aspen Institute @rhettbuttle




Learn more

The Economic Opportunities Program (EOP) advances promising strategies, policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income Americans connect to and thrive in a changing economy. Over its 25 years of work, EOP has developed particular expertise in workforce training and education, microenterprise development and business ownership, financial services and asset building, and business practices that support quality jobs. EOP works to drive change by conducting evaluation and applied research to learn about effective practice in diverse contexts; facilitating leadership development and capacity-building initiatives that reach a broad network of local leaders; hosting cross-sector dialogue on key issues of economic security and opportunity; and producing public and private convenings and written products to share insights and engage broad audiences in the challenge of expanding economic opportunity in America.

The Aspen Institute Financial Security Program leverages human insights and entrepreneurial thinking to find policies, products, and services that deliver greater financial security for millions of Americans. We’re connecting the world’s best minds to find breakthrough solutions for America’s family financial security crisis. Through strategic convenings and dialogues, we provide a dedicated forum where experts in policy and banking work closely with academic and community leaders to strengthen the financial stability of American families.


Tweet with us

Join the conversation on Twitter by following @AspenWorkforce and @AspenFSP and tweeting with the hashtag #WorkandWealth.


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Event information
Mon Jun 18, 2018
4:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
The Aspen Institute
2300 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20037