past event
International Development

Turkey 100 Business Meet-up: Accelerating Opportunities between the US and Turkey

In 2012, the AllWorld Network identified the 25 fastest growing companies in Turkey under the leadership of M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu, Chairman of the Turkey chapter of Partners for a New Beginning and President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). In 2013, they raised that number to 100, featuring companies in the IT, Logistics, Food & Beverage, and Construction sectors.

To celebrate the Turkey 100 and to expand opportunities for partnership, collaboration and business between the US and Turkey, the PNB Secretariat at the Aspen Institute hosted a day of business-to-business networking and panel discussions on the opportunities for Turkish and US investment. S/R Andrew O’Brien, Special Representative for Global Partnerships at the State Deparment, gave opening remarks. Discussions included: 

Multi-National Best Practices: Accessing the Global Value Chain – see panelist Sirin Koprucu’s slides on Global Mindsets here
Growth Sectors: A Word from the Turkey 100 
Tools for Investment: Government and Private Resources
Trade Relations and Government Cooperation

Turkey 100 materials:

Company profiles


Event Summary

Partners for a New Beginning seeks to advance economic opportunity in the areas of entrepreneurship, education and innovation by convening and catalyzing a global network of leaders. PNB has partner chapters led by business and civil society leaders in Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia and Turkey. 

Event information
Thu Jun 20, 2013
9:00am - 4:00pm GMT+0000
Washington, DC, United States