past event
Colleges and Universities

Aspen Undergraduate Consortium 2015

This year’s convening of the Aspen Consortium focused on the theme of purpose & passion. What does undergraduate education do at its best to help students uncover their personal purpose and passion(s)? In business education, how does drawing on the liberal arts help students to discover their passion(s) and purpose?

See links to more information below.

Participant List

The Consortium also had a strong action learning component: as part of participation, each school took on a pilot project that attempts to further the integration of liberal learning and business education. Previous pilot projects have included the design/redesign of specific courses, the design/redesign of degree programs, and the development of new assessment mechanisms specifically geared towards measuring the intersections of liberal and business learning.

Event information
Sun Jun 7, 2015 - Tue Jun 9, 2015
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI