past event

Workshop: Writing Dialogue That Works-With Award-Winning Novelist Tiffany Quay Tyson

Learn the essentials of crafting compelling dialogue in a one-hour workshop presented by award-winning novelist Tiffany Quay Tyson, author of The Past is Never.

Tiffany will join us via Skype from Denver, where she teaches at
Lighthouse Writers Workshop. We will meet in the Pitkin County Library’s community room.

The session will include lots of practical advice as well as hands-on exercises. We’ll explore rhythm, pacing, phrasing, attribution and more.

• FREE for Aspen Writers Network members
• Non-members: $10. Please pay on the day of the event; cash or check only
• For more info about the workshop or Aspen Writers Network membership, email

About Tiffany Quay Tyson

Tiffany ‘s most recent novel, The Past is Never, was selected as a 2018 Okra Pick by the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance. Her debut novel, Three Rivers, was a finalist for both the Colorado Book Award for literary fiction and the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters award for fiction. Tiffany was born and raised in Mississippi and much of her fiction is set in the South. She lives and writes in Denver.

Event information
Wed May 16, 2018
5:45pm - 6:45pm EDT
Pitkin County Library
Aspen, CO