Economy of Scale

Economy of Scale

The Aspen Partnership for an Inclusive Economy builds resilience and financial security for all.

Give NowThe Aspen Partnership for an Inclusive Economy platform was created to provide centralized infrastructure and communications at the Institute to facilitate cross-enterprise coordination and collaboration on one of the most critical challenges facing society: economic inequality. The partnership was launched as the pandemic was exposing the broken systems APIE was designed to help fix. The Institute’s programs mobilized quickly to equip leaders with a range of new data insights and tools that enabled them to respond effectively to the unprecedented economic challenges families and small businesses were facing.

The Financial Security Program, for example, produced a 10-part webinar series and research briefs during development of the CARES Act that helped shape federal, state, and local action on cash assistance programs, social safety net policy reforms, and moratoriums on evictions and student loan debt. Through the Institute’s Business Ownership Initiative, Institute staff launched the Entrepreneur Backed Asset Fund (see page 8). The Aspen Global Leadership Network piloted a new way to incentivize and support fellows, including the new Black Bank Fund and National Black Bank Foundation, focused on educating the public on the anchoring role these institutions serve for underinvested communities. These are just some of the ways APIE is changing the way the Institute works. Together, these programs are helping rebuild the economy so it drives greater security, opportunity, and resilience for all.