Heritage Society

Heritage Society

The Heritage Society recognizes benefactors who make legacy commitments through bequests and other planned gifts which ensure the Institute is positioned to fulfill its mission now and in the future.

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  • Karen and Berl Bernhard
  • Rebecca Donelson and Robert C. Blattberg
  • Connie L. and James† C. Calaway
  • Dale Coudert
  • Renée and Lester Crown
  • Esther B. and James† L. Ferguson
  • Henrietta H. Fore and Richard L. Fore
  • Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton
  • Alma and Joseph B. Gildenhorn
  • Glenda and Gerald Greenwald
  • Casady Meredith Henry
  • Juliane Marion Heyman
  • Soledad and Robert J. Hurst
  • Jane Jenkins
  • Jan Jennings and Michael Mount
  • Ann M. and Tom C. Korologos
  • Aman Kumar
  • Joan Lebach
  • Marlene and Frederic† V. Malek
  • William E. Mayer
  • Elaine and James McDade†
  • Julienne M. Michel†
  • Elinor and George B. Munroe†
  • Stephanie and Michael Naidoff
  • David L. Nevins
  • Ann and William A.† Nitze
  • Patricia M. Patterson
  • Carla and Charles Powell
  • Kenneth G. Robinson, Jr.†
  • Kathleen D. Smith†
  • Myra and Darwin Smith
  • Curt Strand†
  • Linda and Dennis H. Vaughn