Family Finances

Retirement Endgame

June 5, 2019  • Institute Staff

You know you’re in a compelling room when you’re having an off-the-record conversation with a global industry CEO, a community organizer, a behavioral economist, the principal of a scrappy fintech start-up, and the leader of an emerging state-run retirement plan. In the space of three years, the Aspen Leadership Forum on Retirement Savings has become the premier national meeting on a critical financial challenge: Americans’ lack of adequate retirement savings. The Institute’s Financial Security Program designed the forum to accelerate policy and market innovations that enable workers to participate in a retirement savings system that actually builds financial security—especially for the 55 million Americans who lack access to workplace retirement savings benefits. This year’s April forum put major societal trends front and center, from the growth of nontraditional employment and technological disruption to the realities of increasing life spans. Participants explored the compelling innovations that workers require to build financial security and to ensure their long-term economic dignity.