We’re pleased to introduce the facilitators of the 2025 Southern Arizona Workforce Leadership Academy! The Academy — launched in partnership by the Center for the Future of Arizona, Pima Community College, and the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program — brings leaders from across the Southern Arizonian workforce ecosystem together for a year-long series of retreats, workshops, and action learning projects. The Academy provides a forum for local leaders to work collaboratively to identify local and regional systems-based challenges and create shared solutions for economic opportunity for all. Fellows work with leading practitioners throughout the country as they deepen networks; strengthen systems leadership skills; apply race, equity, and systems change frameworks to their work; and increase understanding of effective strategies and programs.
Alumni of the Academy become part of the Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunity Fellows Network, joining more than 370 alumni from 22 previous Academies in 17 cities in the US and Canada.
Holly Kurtz
Director of Workforce Development
Center for the Future of Arizona
Holly Kurtz is the Director of Workforce Development at the Center for the Future of Arizona with accountability for leading the Aspen Institute Workforce Leadership Academies, Retail Career Pathways Sector initiative (RetailWorks AZ), Job Quality and exploration into Learning & Education Records (LER) technologies. She joined CFA in 2016. Prior to CFA, Holly was the VP of Talent Management at PetSmart from 2008-2016, and Holly held various senior level HR/Talent Management roles for Wells Fargo from 1980 – 2008. Holly attended the University of Minnesota where she majored in Technical Communications. Holly has facilitated two Academies in Arizona – Greater Phoenix in 2022 and a Southern Arizona Workforce Leadership Academy in 2023.
Tennille Peñaloza-Hagen
Project Manager, Workforce Development
Center for the Future of Arizona
Tennille co-leads and supports Workforce Development Initiatives at Center for the Future of Arizona. She joined CFA in 2019. Prior to CFA, she had a unique mix of experience from retailers and educational centers focused on structured and informal learning settings. Tennille obtained her bachelors in Global Health (anthropological and sociocultural focus) and minor in Nonprofit Management from Arizona State University. Her education, comprehensive skills and capacity to foresee obligations have given her the unique ability to uncover creative solutions and apply fresh initiatives. Tennille facilitated a Southern Arizona Workforce Leadership Academy in 2023.
Tennille is a first generation American. She enjoys dedicating her time to social change work that builds and instills an inclusive and equitable society.
Amanda Abens
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning
Pima Community College
As the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning at Pima Community College (PCC), Amanda Abens works collaboratively to deliver career and technical education programs and workforce training to support a thriving Southern Arizona economy. Amanda actively works to develop systems and processes to increase responsiveness to business & industry; to pilot new CTE programs and initiatives in entrepreneurial and/or grant-funded settings, and to develop and deploy contract and customized training to meet the needs of business and industry and the diverse community. She has over 15 years of experience working in social service before beginning her career in higher education and combines her skills to bring a unique perspective to workforce development.