David E. Sanger has reported for The New York Times for more than four decades, serving on three teams that have won the Pulitzer Prize. He has served as Tokyo Bureau Chief, Chief Economic Correspondent, Chief Washington Correspondent and White House Correspondent, and written four books on American national security. The most recent, written with Mary Brooks, was a New York Times bestseller in April 2024: New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion and America’s Struggle to Save the West. He has also served as executive producer for two HBO documentaries: “The Perfect Weapon,’’ based on his book by the same name on cyber conflict, and “Year One,’’ an examination of President Biden’s first two years in office. Mr. Sanger is also an adjunct lecturer at the Kennedy School of Government, where he and Graham Allison co-teach “Central Challenges in American National Security, Strategy and the Press.” He lives in Washington, DC, with his wife, Sherill.

David E. Sanger
Aspen Strategy Group Member,
White House and National Security Correspondent, The New York Times