José Albuquerque

José Albuquerque

2018 Ricardo Salinas Scholar , Ricardo Salinas Scholarship

José Albuquerque is Division Chief, International Bureau-Satellite Division at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

José Albuquerque is Division Chief, International Bureau-Satellite Division at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He has Engineering and MSc degrees from Catholic University (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was with Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, for more than 20 years, as a professor, as director of its Center for Studies in Telecommunications and as Vice President, Academic Affairs. For over 20 years he worked for different satellite operators: Intelsat, Teledesic, PanAmSat and again Intelsat. He has been with the FCC, as Chief of the Satellite Division, since August 2013.

Selected to participate in the 2018 AIRS: The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Spectrum Policy.