Vanessa Ling Yu

Vanessa Ling Yu

Toronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17, Economic Opportunities Program

Director, caterToronto, Toronto, ON

Vanessa Ling Yu launched caterToronto in 2014 after coordinating a caterers working group as “quiet operators”, as well as social and micro-enterprises. She’s built strategic and service relationships, kitchen rental partners, and market opportunities for community food systems that reciprocally support the caterToronto network of entrepreneurs. Her background involves a passion for food culture and food service, progressed into developing solutions for hospitality and health care industries, and now supports food businesses in support of sustainable community and economic development.

Vanessa Ling Yu is a member of the Toronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17, one of several Workforce Leadership Academies in localities across North America.

The Workforce Leadership Academies are part of the Economic Opportunity Fellows Network, a network of leadership and fellowship programs run by the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program. Within this Network, EOP connects national and local leaders from across sectors — nonprofit, government, business, philanthropy, academia, and more — to advance policies and practices with the potential to help low- and moderate-income Americans thrive in today’s economy. Learn more at