Aspen Institute Report Finds Latino Inclusion in the Digital Economy Essential to U.S. Recovery & Renewal

The Aspen Institute Latinos & Society Program (AILAS) today issued a new report, Latino Inclusion in the Digital Economy, with the support of and UPS. The white paper identifies strategies for building the Latino workforce’s capacity to fully participate in the digital economy.

Nuevos reportes de investigación de ANDE muestran el ecosistema emprendedor en zonas rurales de Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador

La Red Aspen de Emprendedores para el Desarrollo (ANDE por sus siglas en inglés) presenta nuevas investigaciones sobre las organizaciones que promueven el emprendimiento y apoyan MiPyMEs empresas rurales.

New ANDE Ecosystem Snapshots show the entrepreneurial ecosystem in rural areas of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador

The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) releases new research on organizations that promote entrepreneurship and support rural MSMEs. Each snapshot provides local data on available services and most needed support, with additional insights regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The Center for the Future of Arizona Introduces the Inaugural Greater Phoenix Workforce Leadership Academy Fellows

Today, the Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) introduces the inaugural class of the Greater Phoenix Workforce Leadership Academy Fellows who are participating in a new program designed to improve local economic mobility and workforce development efforts and create innovative solutions to the challenges faced by workers and businesses.

Vaccine Science and Policy Experts Call for Transformation of Vaccine R&D Enterprise

The Sabin-Aspen Vaccine Science & Policy Group uses lessons learned from the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines to explore opportunities to overhaul vaccine R&D practices to better prepare for the next pandemic.

Center for Native American Youth Announces Remembering Our Sisters Fellows

Program aims to empower young Indigenous women and femme-identifying leaders and address the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and Two Spirit + (MMIWG2S+) epidemic.

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