Ideas Worth Teaching Awards

Award Recipients


Lindsay Brant and Kate Rowbotham, Queen’s University, Smith School of Business, Relationships and Reconciliations in Business and Beyond

Emily Cox Pahnke, University of Washington, Foster School of Business, Grand Challenges for Entrepreneurs

Kingsley Fong and William Wu, University of New South Wales, UNSW Business School, Sustainable and Responsible Investing

Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee, Loyola University Chicago, Quinlan School of Business, Finance for a Sustainable World

James Hoopes, Babson College, The History and Ethics of Capitalism

Courtney McCluney, Cornell University, School of Industrial Labor Relations, Advancing Racial Equity in Organizations

Nicholas Pearce, Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, Beyond Diversity: The Fundamentals of Inclusive Leadership

Kevin Werbach, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, Big Data, Big Responsibilities: The Law and Ethics of Business Analytics


Elizabeth Castillo, Arizona State University, Resource Allocation in Organizations

Witold Henisz, University of Pennsylvania, Corporate Diplomacy: Aligning Stakeholder Analytics & Strategy

Oscar Jerome Stewart, San Francisco State University, Seminar – Business & Society

Sarah Kaplan, University of Toronto, The 360° Corporation

Gianpiero Petriglieri, INSEAD, Ethics: Value-based leadership for cosmopolitans

Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, University of Michigan, +Impact Studio: Translating Research into Practice

Siddhartha Saxena, Ahmedabad University, Future of Work

Leonhard Dobusch, Universität Innsbruck and Elke Schüßler, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Organizing in Times of Crisis: The Case of Covid19

Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, Peter McGhee, Amber Nicholson and Peter Skilling, Auckland University of Technology, Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability


Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Western University, Assessing the Broader Impact of Business

Sarah Birrell Ivory, University of Edinburgh, Global Challenges for Businesses

John Byrd, University of Colorado, Denver, Business and Global Climate Change

Bo Cowgill, Columbia University, People Analytics and Strategy

Barbara Dyer, Leigh Hafrey, Christine Kelly and Thomas Kochan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Lab: Bridging the American Divides – Work, Community, and Culture

Alessandro Ghio and Nick McGuigan, Monash University, Global Issues in Accounting

Kalyani Menon, Wilfrid Laurier University, Marketing and Society

Barry M. Mitnick, University of Pittsburgh, Market Manipulations: Crises, Bubbles, Robber Barons, and Corporate Saints

Matthew J. Slaughter, Dartmouth College, Leadership in the Global Economy

Joshua Skov, University of Oregon, Life-Cycle Assessment, Life-Cycle Thinking and Business Strategy


Regina M. Abrami, University of Pennsylvania, Fault Lines and Foresight

Talia Aharoni, Tel-Aviv University, Issues In CSR

David Bach, Yale University, The End of Globalization

Tima Bansal, Western University, Prospering In the Long-Term

Melissa L. Bradley, Georgetown University, Peer-to-Peer Economies

Gerald F. Davis and Chris White, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Intrapreneurship: Leading Social Innovation in Organizations

Dror Etzion and Rozhin Y. Mansouri, McGill University, Sustainability & Environmental Accounting

James R. Freeland and R. Edward Freeman, University of Virginia, Economic Inequality and Social Mobility

Rebecca Henderson and George Serafeim, Harvard University, Reimagining Capitalism

Andrew J. Hoffman, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Sustainable Business in Iceland

Adam S. Hyde, James Otteson and Matthew T. Phillips, Wake Forest University, Why Business?

Peter Kriesler, University of New South Wales, Economic Growth, Technology and Structural Change

Adam Seth Litwin, Cornell University, Technological Change at Work

Jaime Luque, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Urban and Regional Economics

Patrick P. McHugh, George Washington University, Human Capital Sustainability

C. Sara L. Minard, Northeastern University, Impact Investing & Social Finance

Jadranka Skorin-Kapov, Stony Brook University, Business Ethics: Critical Thinking through Film

Robert Sroufe, Duquesne University, Sustainability Tools and Processes for New Initiatives

Sandrine Stervinou, Audencia Business School, Alternative Economic Models

Zeynep Ton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Management of Services: Concepts, Design and Delivery