Customized Virtual Seminars

Customized virtual seminars bring our signature facilitated dialogue to a digital platform for corporations, organizations, and teams.  Curricula may include synchronous, asynchronous, virtual, face-to-face, and a combination of formats. Ideal for groups of 5 to 25, and available to larger groups in breakout formats, our virtual seminars enable teams seeking connection and perspective to dialogue from a distance.

The virtual seminars below have been developed to meet the immediate challenges brought about by COVID-19. We continue to bring our 70 years of experience to design highly dynamic discussions of values-based leadership and will customize all seminars to fit your organization’s needs.

Leadership, Priorities, and Paradigm Shifts

Reimagining Work

Free, Just, and Equitable: Imagining a Better Society

Loss and Legacy

Gratitude and the Human Spirit

For further information or to schedule a consult contact